Saturday, July 21, 2012

Colton Jubilee Days

Saturday is the Colton Jubilee Days. Unfortunately do to the heat and heat index, they wisely cancelled the ride to keep both riders and horses safe. Some will still ride in the parade but the trail ride is cancelled. I had planned on taking the ponies and possibly Bo but with the heat and my health, we opted to keep all the horses at home.

Also, because we didn't get to move horses last weekend, we are going to try and move horses first thing Saturday morning while it's still cool. Once it hits about 80, I'm done for so we need to get it done right away. Mom and Dad are also camping near us so they can make a quick trip over and be here first thing in the morning to help out.

Mike did suggest a different way of moving certain hoses so we'll see how it goes. We just need to get the horses out of the old pasture because there's simply nothing left. I also need to keep Dude at home to treat his shoulder wound.

I'm not sure how long it'll take to move horses so we may have to miss the Colton Jubilee Days. A good friend graciously made a donation can. We might not be able to visit with you, but I'd be more than happy to chat about the horses some other time or show off the horses (when it's cooler). Just drop me a line on our Facebook page and we can make arrangements to meet up or have you stop out. Any donations are always graciously welcomed and will go straight to feeding the sanctuary horses. Thank you everyone for all your support. We couldn't do it without you.

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