Thursday, May 30, 2019

Crazy Days of Summer

I had no idea that school would take up so much of our time. As a kid, we had fun stuff to do but we were never THIS busy. So for the past two weeks, we've been jumping in all different directions trying to figure out which way is up and not getting very far.

Sadly, we haven't even been home most nights to work on anything. It's a struggle to get anything done at the Sanctuary when we aren't even home. Horses should be out on pasture now but they aren't. They aren't even on grass at this point. I'll be putting up whatever corral panels I can find tonight and Saturday in hopes of getting horses out on the lawn so they can start adjusting to grass.

Every year we put horses out on the lawn so that they can adjust to grass and I can keep a close eye on them. It means less pressure on the pasture and less time trying to wrangle them up after only 10-20 minutes every evening until they are adjusted.

I'm tired of putting in hay. I'd love to use the pasture. We've had rain and cold but hopefully that will help with the pasture growing. Honestly, I haven't even seen the pasture in a month. Life has been too busy.

Mosquitoes are out now in full force. We will have to do some serious mosquito control as the bottom pasture is once again completely flooded. I question my sanity some days with running a Sanctuary.

We were gone over Memorial Weekend for our mandatory/obligatory family vacation. It was nice to get a way and watching the land blew my mind. So many fields have not been touched and so many places were there were flash floods. It's absolutely crazy. All the way across the state there were signs of not getting anything done because of the weather.

It's the end of May and I'm hoping that as June approaches, I'll be able to find some time to get stuff done. We have a few social media things to keep everyone busy (during all this raining going on). We'd love to hear your feedback on whether it's worth it or not. The more feedback we get, the better we can really focus on having fun this year.

Until then, back to the paying job and maybe I'll see more than 7 hours of home tonight (where 6 of them were sleeping). No lazy days of summer for us!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Horse Rescue Day

Today is Horse Rescue Day. It's a day to bring awareness to horses around the world.

We call ourselves a Sanctuary because we provide a permanent home for the horses that come to us. Luckily the horses at the Sanctuary have never been abused and needed rescuing. Most of them had owners who wanted to do right by them in their golden years. But there have been those who have walked through our doors who have been rescued from severe neglect and abuse.

Today is a great day to spread the word about the plight of horses. Not all senior horses get the retirement home they deserve and need to be rescued.

So on this amazing Horse Rescue Day, considering helping out a rescue or a sanctuary. They always need help!
