Monday, October 26, 2009

Sam has Ulcers?!?!

So I called the vet to see if he could give me a prognosis over the phone. I know it's a bit hard but it would save me vacation time from work, my time running, and any chance of stressing Sam out more.

When I explained Sam's symptoms the vet immediately said ulcers. I guess I'm not too surprised. He's always been a bit of a worrier. He doesn't seem to be as close to Brego as before.

I told him I'd given Sam banamine and he said banamine actually causes MORE ulcer problems, as does the grain! Well DANGIT! So I'm not sure what I'll do for feeding Sam. I may just feed him soaked alfalfa pellets and hay for a little while. Apparently ulcers can make him lose weight too.

I need to work it out so that I can pick up the six tubes of ulcer medicine to give him for the next few days to see if that helps.

I also mentioned the mucus and the vet figures he has an upper respitory infection and that's why he's got the snotty nose. I'm not sure where he would have picked up a horse cold or why his ulcers would flair up now. I'm almost 100% positive he's had ulcers in the past. He was at one point an Amish plow horse and has the scars/marks to prove it. He's always been herd bound so I presume he lost his mate and that's why they got rid of him. He's a hard worker. But I suppose the stress of his past has caused the ulcers.

But at least I now know why he's been so tired. The cold is wearing him out and the ulcers are what's making him constantly look back at his flanks. Now if I can only get the meds tonight and start in on treating him.

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