I can't believe that it is already the end of October. It was just yesterday that I realized it was the beginning of October. So much has happened this month that it's all becoming a blur! To top it off, it's been all GOOD things happening which is odd because I tend to see things as "the glass is half empty" sort of perspective.
I did create a new temporary stall for Maverick last night. I'll blog about that later. I'm not sure that I'll get a chance to clean out the box stall tonight since I'll be trying to get everyone situated in the barn. I'm not sure how it will all work.
I'm planning on pulling Maverick out so that he doesn't have to stand in mud.
I'll pull Queen and Babe out so they don't have to stand in the rain.
I'll pull Bob out because he needs to save his energy to try and keep what little weight he has on.
I'll pull Sam because he's fighting a cold and the ulcer. I wish I had two draft blankets. I know I'll lose Bob soon but for right now I'd feel better if I had a blanket on both the drafties.
So that leaves me with one stall open in the barn. I'm not really sure who to put in there if anyone at all. I'm debating on either Rain or Zeke. Rain needs to stay out of the wet weather because he's my "delicate flower". But on the other hand he is packing quite a bit of weight so could handle the wet weather. He's also more inclined to go into the leanto. Zeke needs to stay out of the wet weather becaues he too is my "delicate flower" (that or he's playing me). He is also packing quite a bit of weight but he will not go in the leanto and is still adjusting to being in the big herd (I'll blog about that later too!)
So I think I may have just answered my own question as to who the last stall will be for. I need one more stall in the barn! Actually I need more stalls for everyone but for now I'd be happy with one additional stall. So in the barn will be Bob, Sam, Zeke, Babe, and Queen.
I'll need to rearrange Maverick's temporary stall so that it's under a roof more than what I originally had set up. Oh the joys of corral panels. Although I'll never turn my nose up at a corral panel. They've saved my hide more often than I'd like to think!
I guess I'll keep my eye to the sky and ear to the weather. At least it's not a blizzard on Halloween as we've had in the past!
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