Monday, August 28, 2017

Out of the Loop

So I've been out of the loop for about a week now. Actually, I had a bit of a panic attack and couldn't figure out how to get everything done that needs to be done. Truth is, I'm not anywhere different today than I was a few days ago but I've come to terms with some of it.

Lets recap so you can feel my pain. ... you're welcome.

The Saturday before last we had to run into town. No biggie but then we needed to get home, do chores, and then haul the camper up to Prairie Village. We had some how managed to score a camping spot during the Jamboree. It's fairly unheard of and we weren't planning on it. There's 500 camp spots and ALL of them are taken. But we were on a waiting list. Our thinking was that going to the Jamboree would be easier with the kids of we could camp. The answer was yes and no to the easy part.  So I got home Saturday and while doing chores, discovered that SOMEONE (Maverick) popped the lid off the automatic waterer and water was spilling over again. In the process, they cut the heater wire and it's to the point of no repair. So we have NO heat to the waterer this winter. THAT WON'T CUT IT. So now I'm going to have to buy a new waterer. Totally NOT in the budget and Totally NOT ready. And now it's another project that HAS to get done before the first freeze.

Fast forward to Monday night. We had camped at Prairie Village Sat and Sunday and didn't get home until late. Everything was dark so I couldn't see anything. Monday after work, I went to let the dogs out, only to discover that the chimney in the garage had crashed down. Inside the garage the chimney apparently had been leaking and the 2x4 that had been holding it up since the 40s finally rotted away. So we are now left with a gapping hole in the garage, cinder blocks smashed to pieces in the garage, and even more work. The garage roof was supposed to be reroofed after the hay barn but it appears that the garage will take priority. Not happy but with a hole in the roof, what do you do? Although we are getting close to having a hole in the hay barn if we aren't careful.

Fast forward to Wednesday afternoon, and I get a phone call from Mike saying he doesn't feel good and off to the ER we go. He's been dealing with some health issues for over a week now and he'd finally had enough. Unfortunately the ER doctors (nor his primary doctor) could find what's wrong. So, 3.5 hours in the ER with no results and now a huge hospital bill and we are left even more strapped for cash. (For those that dont' know, I almost lost Mike back in 2013 to WPW.)

So by Thursday when I did our weekly Thursday Sanctuary talks, I was a bit frazzled because in the evening, we were headed BACK to Prairie Village to camp until Sunday. So that's 3 days and 3 nights of camping and Jamboree stuff. Top that off with trying to get everything lined up for food so we don't starve AND get stuff ready so that we can have my daughter's 2nd birthday (and not have her get screwed over because everyone is focused on everything else and NOT her). So I was stressed.

But that's not all. Friday night rolled around and we had a severe storm roll through WHILE the kids and I were in the camper ALONE. I haven't been that scared in a while. We were left stranded with no vehicle and no cell phone service to view the radar  (yet I could get on FB or make phone calls). So by Sunday I was a bit frazzled but luckily my daughter didn't notice and she had a grand time on her second birthday. It didn't seem as big of a deal as when my son turned 5 three weeks earlier so I'm not sure if I'm just wore out or what. But I feel bad for her because her birthday seemed to be overshadowed by a lot of other stuff going on.

But now that all that is over, I have to focus on getting the roof redone. Mike still doesn't feel good but we have friends lined up to help with the roof. Except the garage has no eaves. Part of the reason why we've had water problems with the garage. But no eaves means Mike needs to build them and he thinks we should focus on that but if we have people WILLING to reroof the garage, we better make sure the eaves are attached. But that gives us FIVE days. FIVE. I don't think that'll happen because the days are getting shorter (and Mike doesn't feel good).

I may have to take time off the paying job just to get stuff done. The weather is supposed to be beautiful the rest of this week so maybe Friday I'll take the day off from the paying job and get things ready. We still need to go buy more lumber to makes the eaves but the horse trailer is full of Ondura and lumber for the hay barn because that's the project *I* was focused on. And the flat bed still has hay (but we STILL need to pick up hay from Harrisburg and now another two loads from Madison). I paniced. I had friends selling hay so I bought what they had left over. I wish I would have waited and bought from a different friend who is much closer but I guess I should just be happy that we have hay (and the funds to buy those few bales). I now need to focus on the funds for the semi load that we had to pay for already.

So I have big news I want to share or maybe not big news but good news but I need a day to recover from all that's been going on. I also had some stress at the paying job where I had/have three high priorities that are all due at the same time and I'm trying to figure out how to swing it all. I can't work extra because I need to be working at home and with the stress of everything I tend to sleep when I'm stressed. And that puts me even more behind. Oh if only I could have insomnia instead of stress sleep. I need the days to be longer not shorter. I need about five extra hours in the day to feel like I can get anything done.

So if anyone is free this weekend (or the following weekend for that matter), we could really use the help in getting things ready for winter. Because it's right around the corner!

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