Thursday, February 16, 2012

You Have How Many?

Last night I was late in getting to chores. I had to run to town after work to pick up vet wrap and gauze. I haven’t had a stockpile of vet wrap on hand in a long time. (Knock on wood) we’ve been pretty lucky to avoid major injuries that require a vet visit. Oh sure, there’s the occasional cut that requires antibiotics but usually those cuts are in funky locations and don’t require wrapping, rewrapping, soaking, etc. So, $30 later, we have enough vet wrap to soak and rewrap Flower’s foot for almost two weeks.

Because I was late in getting home, I didn’t get a chance to soak Flower’s foot last night. This morning when I went out to do chores, she was curled up in the straw. I gave Flower her bute so hopefully she’ll be able to enjoy a little bit of comfort today since I couldn’t do anything with her foot last night. I’m still worried about her. She doesn’t seem to be drinking so I’m adding extra water and turning her grain mash into a soup. At least that way she’ll be getting some water. It’s not enough but I don’t know what else to do to promote her drinking. She’s still not out of the woods.

I’m going to have to start working with Mayhem a little bit every day too. She may not yet be two years old but she’s really starting to fill out and discover herself. Of course, she’s been snitching Rabbit’s grain so I’m going to have to start haltering and tying her while Rabbit gets through her grain and meds.

Flower’s accident couldn’t have come at a worse time. We just got the bill for floating Jim and Thor’s teeth last month. I love our vets and they cut me a break wherever they can but it’s still a chunk of change. I’ve had people ask me how many horses I have and I typically get the same reaction. Of course, I don’t instantly tell them I’m a sanctuary. I’m not sure why. But I know people think that because we have that many horses, we have lots of cash. Oh sure, it may look like we are “well to do” but when you start looking at it, let me tell you, we aren’t. I know the six horse trailer is deceiving. Well, it’s not paid for and won’t be for a while. The truck pulling the trailer may be paid off but it’s an 04. In most people’s eyes, it’s an older truck. For me, it’s still brand new and has to last me another 20 years. The trailer may look nice but it’s also a serious upgrade from what we started out with. Our stock trailer is a rust bucket and needs major work before we do too much hauling with it. It’s literally rusting away. Until the big trailer is paid off, I have to continue driving my daily driver. Not a big deal other than it’s a 15 year old car with 200,000+ miles on it. Mike is in the same boat driving his beater of a daily driver. We pulled up for a meeting in our “good” car and realized that we had the oldest vehicle there. We spend our money where it counts and save/cut corners where we need to. I’m willing to buy whatever the horses need (in reason). I’ll cut corners for myself. You may laugh but my shoe laces broke on both my work shoes and my winter chore boots. No problem. I’ll just tie the broken laces together and hope they stay together for another season.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining. I just find it funny that people have a different perspective than what it really is. I wouldn’t give up any of the 18 horses that are currently standing in the pens. Each one is special and has a special place in my heart.

Tomorrow is the monthly Mitchell Horse Sale. I still haven’t decided if I’m going or not. I can’t bring any home, especially now that we have two major vet bills to pay off. I need to focus on the horses at Borderlands, but even if I can’t bring someone home, I could at least remember them so even though they may be lost, someone will remember them and pray for their quick passing. I’ll probably decide at the last minute. I’m not sure I’ve hardened my heart to what I’ll see.

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