Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Robins and Geese

In my last post, I talked about what a difference a half-an-hour makes. Sure as could be, I had the same experience last evening. I so desperately wanted to get home early and play outside before the cold weather set in. Unfortunately work and other commitments interfered. When I stepped outside to get Flower started on her beet pulp a little over an hour after getting home, the temps had already started changing. I was shocked to hear the wind howling as loudly as it was. When I went back outside a half-an-hour later, much to my dismay, the wind was even more fierce and the temps had dropped considerably. No playing with the horses for me, just chores.

I haven’t been paying attention to the weather lately as we really haven’t had any. No major storms, no below zero temps, no below zero wind chills (knock on wood). Our mild weather is making life so much easier but I wonder how much it’s messing with everything. On Sunday I stepped outside and heard a robin singing. That’s right, the first of February and I heard a robin. I didn’t see it but I heard him. While we were visiting with family, I also saw and heard geese. It’s awfully early for all these birds to be migrating but the weather feels more like mid to late March rather than the first of February. Luckily the horses haven’t decided to start shedding out their winter coats.

It’s been fairly quiet on the home front luckily and I hope to keep it that way. The weather is supposed to be cooler the rest of this week so I expect the horses will be a little bit more grumpy than they have been. This morning I found Babe, Thor, and Queen buried in their new round bale we pushed in last night. I can always tell when we push in a new bale, I don’t see hide nor hair of those three until a few days into the bale. I guess they are searching for all the prime hay first.

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