Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Weatherman Was Wrong

The weatherman was wrong, real shocker there. Luckily he was wrong for the better, no below zero temps overnight. I couldn’t figure out how the cold air could possibly come in while we were out doing chores last night. It was so nice without much wind. Because we have drill practice tonight, I decided I’d be proactive and get some of tonight’s chores done last night. I piled extra hay on my wheelbarrow for the mares and I threw an extra sliver of hay on the sled for the ponies. I love being proactive and cutting down on chores when I know I’ll only have a few minutes the next day. I need to be more proactive.

I was digging around in my tack room for a different bit for Jim and I came across an almost new waterproof canvas sheet. I forgot that I even had one, let alone where it went. I guess it’s a sign I need to do some cleaning and organizing to figure out what all I have.

I figured this morning would be cold and the air would practically take my breath away. Nope, I was pleasantly surprised by the damp warmish air that greeted me as I walked out the door. I love still mornings with nothing stirring the air. Of course with the warmer weather we have fog, but it wasn’t too bad. The fog actually made the morning air quieter. Everyone seemed to be fairly calm this morning too. The fog, temps, and quiet really has a calming effect on the herd (or maybe it’s just me). But it was nice to toss out hay and not deal with crabby horses. I love it when everyone gets along.

I counted 90 days from today and we are into April for any precipitation. The last time we had fog was back around Christmas so that puts any precip the end of March. I expect we’ll make up for the lack of snow at the beginning of the winter season at the end of the winter season. But I can definitely handle that instead of the other way around. Luckily this winter hasn’t been as hard as the past two.

Tonight we have drill team practice and I’ll be hauling Maverick this time around. We’ll see if he’s still the same, bored horse he was the last time I started riding him around in circles. He gets so bored riding in an arena but that’s exactly what I need and want. I won’t be using him for drill team but need/want to see what he does. It’ll be nice to have a couple of sanctuary horses representing during practices, at the very least.

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