Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cloud Nine

For some reason I feel like I'm on cloud nine. Even with everything going on and all the stresses of an ordinary day, I'm not yet stressed. I'm guessing it's from my ride last night. The weather has been gorgeous. There really are no words to best describe the weather we've been experiencing lately. I just wish that the days wouldn't get dark so soon. It's dark by 8pm. I need another hour to get everything done (and to enjoy the weather).

I know Rain isn't a rescue, but I decided I'd take him out and putter around the yard. I want to show Bo under english but I haven't yet tried riding him. I don't yet think he's to the right weight. He could stand to gain another 50 pounds (but I like them plump). I want to show him off next year at horse shows. He's such a looker that I want to show him under english. I think he'd look rather stunning. But to do that, I need to know how to ride english. I figured I'd learn on Rain. He's pretty good with puttering around the yard and has a bunch of cues on him. I can't seem to post on him for some reason (of course I dont' know what I'm doing). But Rain got it in his head that we needed to go faster than a trot (because I was bouncing around). He really is such a tolerant boy. So he picked up into a canter! I know I've loped him before down the road but I've never cantered in an english saddle. It was exilerating. I see now why people ride english! :-)

After just a little bit of time riding Rain, I got back to work doing chores. I now need to start graining Thor and Babe. I think Thor has lost some weight even with a round bale in his pen 24x7. I think he needs his teeth floated. With him being blind, I worry about hauling him but I had a bad experience with a vet trying to float a horse not in stocks. So I'll probably figure out a time to haul a few in to get their teeth floated and figure out how to pay the bill.

But to grain Thor and Babe, I have to halter and tie Sahara and Prince. Prince wasn't too keen on haltering just because I haven't really handled him much. But once the halter was on, he was a pocket pony. He really is an amazing boy. Once he has his own person, he's going to be (pardon my french) one helluva horse and he's gorgeous too! He patiently stood with me while we watched Thor and Babe devour their grain mash.

Sahara on the other hand decided to throw a temper tantrum while being tied. She really only had one or two full out wild bronc moments. She's going to do everything the hard way and learn every lesson the hard way. I wish I could tell her the easy way but she wouldn't listen even if I tried. I'll admit that I am a "Type A" person. I also think that Sahara is a "Type A" horse. It has to be her way. She's pinned her ears at me a couple times and tried to take a chunk out of me. But I really think she's trying to put me in my place to be boss mare. Of course that doesn't fly with me because I. AM. BOSSMARE. But once I told her no, she behaved so it's just a matter of being the alpha. Just more work for me.

Unfortunately Babe licked up her grain and then went to check out the commotion. She really doesn't like Sahara being upset. I figured it was time for Sahara to be done (and for me to be done too!) I untied Sahara and we worked for a few minutes on leading, stopping, and backing. She gets leading and stopping. I wish she was as calm about standing as her mother. Savanna will stand for hours tied without even lifting a hoof to paw. Mayhem paws a little but stops after a few minutes when she realizes it's not worth the effort. Sahara - not so much. I know it's just a learning curve. I figure she wasnt' even touchable up until mid summer. Some horses just take longer to learn than others. But Sahara will be tied every night while Thor and Babe have their evening mash.

I feel like we are on a wild roller coaster ride some days.

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