It's amazing to see the calming affects the older horses have on the youngsters. I have been able to touch Sahara more in the last few days of having her in with the mares and Thor than I have the entire time since bringing her home.
Thor is adjusting to being blind although he's not comfortable to being out on a pasture. I've decided that I'll drylot Thor and keep Babe with him as a companion. They seem to get along. Mayhem is good friends with Thor. Of course, how can Thor resist the whims of four mares!
Figured I'd post some pictures of Thor and Mayhem.
I love Mayhem's wavy mane. With the exception of her mane, she looks identical to her mother Rabbit. I need to start working on picking up her feet so we can get her feet trimmed soon.
I was afraid that with going blind, Thor would get depressed and stop eating. He is loving the round bale. I rarely see him anywhere other than in front of the bale.
Mayhem and Thor hanging out at the bale.
Thor, Mayhem, and Babe.
So happy to hear Thor is adjusting :)