Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The last four days have been a blur. My head is still spinning. If there's another lapse it's because the computer is dying (it also means no pictures until we can afford to get another computer).

Not much horse related activities this weekend. We were wrapped up with family activities so there was only enough time to feed the horses and run. With everything going on, I wasn't able to give Sam his ulcer meds on Friday or Sunday. I could definitely tell he wasn't himself this weekend because he didn't get his medicine. I'm guessing that even after the 14 day medicine, we'll have to go another 14 days to make sure the ulcers don't rear their ugly head again. I will be so happy when he's feeling better. It's pretty easy to spot when he's not feeling well, he cocks a leg. I did keep him and Brego in the barn last night to keep a closer eye on Sam. Sam can't polish off his grain like he wants to and I don't want to rush him, so he stays in the barn. Brego stays in the barn too so that he doesn't get pushed around. I do think Brego needs his teeth floated and that's a portion of why he's losing weight.

The horse I passed on back in January is now up for sale again. The two free horses I passed on the first part of February are back up on the classifieds. I am guessing the other two that I had to pass on are headed to an auction. I feel terrible but with everything going on with family matters and work matters, I haven't even had time to breath let alone bring in another horse and figure out the financial responsibilities.

Without any financial or other support, it's impossible for me to really do much for any of the horses outside of Borderlands. I'll do my best at this weekend's auction but after talking with some of the board members, we are now focusing on the older horses to ensure they receive a decent retirement. So that means that four of the five horses I passed on didn't fit into the program, which is heartbreaking.

And with everything going on, I missed going to the auction this weekend in Sioux Falls. I just couldn't swing everything that needed to get done so the auction fell by the wayside. We'll see how everything goes this coming weekend.

If I'm not around much in the next few days, it's simply because I have run out of time. Work, horses, and family are taking up the majority of my time but I'll be around.

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