Right now I'm getting ready to head down to the Sioux Falls Regional Livestock Horse Sale. I hate auctions. But I cant' not go. I looked at the catalog sale and picked out two that I would take home. :-) The website said there is 90 horses consigned. I only saw about 50 in the catalog sale so I'm guessing the other 50 are non-cataloged.
It also means that there is going to be that many or more loose horses. I know that I need to sit on my hands and wait. But there's always at least one that I would take home from this sale. But I'm faced with Queen's colic bill and will have an even heftier vet bill once I take Sam, Jim, Rain, and Dude in to get their teeth floated (never mind their normal spring shots I still need to take care of).
I also know that I need to wait it out until this fall. I'm guessing the price of horses will be higher simply because it's spring and people are looking for horses to ride all summer. They'll want to dump them this fall so I guess I'll need to figure out how to sit on my hands. It will help that Mike has chosen to stay home instead. I'm not as inclined to try and bring a horse home when I don't have verbal approval from him. Ok, so not really but I like to discuss it with him beforehand. But not always (which is the case when I brought the two home from this sale, although both of those were euthinized
I'm rambling and stalling. So I guess I better go get ready for the sale. In the mean time, enjoy pics of Zeke from last Sunday's trail ride.
Zeke after the ride. I had to lope through a mud corn field just to calm him down. He definately prefers to lope over any other speed. he doesn't make a good trail horse but would make an awesome gamer.
Zeke didn't even flinch when he saw the wagon. Some horses dont' like the wagon but Zeke could care less. He's definately a diamond in the rough that I lucked out with.
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