Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Washing away Worries

It's amazing how my worries and fears of the day wash away when I swing a leg over the back of a horse. I sometimes forget that bit of information as I trudge through the monotonous chores in the winter. But the last two days I have been jubilant and I couldn't figure it out until just now. I've gotten to ride the last two days, which has really lifted my spirits.

I didn't really have any agenda last night other than to possibly ride if someone let me. :-) I pulled Sam so he could eat and fed the mares. I decided I would try and push the issue with Jim and make him come into the barn. After just a little bit of patience on my part, Jim went in. I decided then that I wouldn't saddle him up but that I would groom him down. So I pulled him out and groomed him. Nothing thorough but a little bit of dirt busting and picking hooves. It seemed to help his attitude. I put him back in his stall and let both Sam and Jim devour their grain and alfalfa.

I decided to pull Zeke out next so he could have his grain. I also wanted to groom him down. The rest of the herd is so hard on him I wanted to give him some down time. With Brego gone, the herd picks on Zeke instead. I figured Zeke could use some one-on-one time. I've not really bonded with him this winter although he's an absolute sweetheart. I think spending even just a little bit of time with him, we'll be bonded for life. We're already bonded but I want a stronger bond and I'm sure to get it with him. He's such a loyal and dear horse. I think Zeke enjoyed his grooming and harrassment free grain time.

I grabbed a halter and walked out into the pen. I wasn't sure who I would catch. I sort of wanted Rain but figured he'd bolt the instant he saw the halter. Nope. He stood perfectly still and let me halter him, which was odd. I've walked out to him before carrying a piece of twine and he's taken off so I'm guessing he wanted to stetch his legs a little.

I saddle Rain up with his english saddle and we puttered around the yard. Granted my riding lasts all of about 10 minutes and we do nothing more than a very slow walk but it's something. I'm keeping rain in his english saddle for two reasons. 1) It keeps me from running him hard down the road and 2) I have the western saddle set up for the bigger guys and I'm tired of readjusting all the time. I need to replace a bunch of stuff on my saddle so it's easier to adjust.

I decided that I still needed to pull King out to grain him too but wasn't sure if I should ride him or just feed him. I decided that there was just enough daylight left for me to ride him and do chores in the light. Luckily he let me catch him with no problem. I saddled him up and he took the bit right out of my hands. He's still naughty when riding but I think changing the bit might help. He uses the shank on his tom thumb as a passifier. It's rather annoying. I need to figure out how to fix that issue. I didn't want to work him too hard because of his feet but he really does need a few lessons in manners, both on the ground and in the saddle. We'll see how it goes.

I felt a little guilty not working with Maverick but maybe tonight.

This morning while I was feeding, Jim came up to me. It was rather odd. I thought he was holding a grudge against me. He's been so depressed ever since I brought him home but this morning he walked up to me and let me pet him. It's one of only a few times where he's allowed me to pet him and where he's walked up to me. I'm hoping that daily graining and grooming will make him less standoffish and more hands on. I'm ok with standoffish as long as I can come up and pet you. You can ignore me all you want but don't walk away from me. I guess we'll see how it goes.

Yesterday's activities really did make me happy. I was able to put in two, although very short, rides in and did a bit of grooming on some horses. I love finally getting a chance to play with the horses. It's been so long of doing minimal chores that it's nice to actually appreciate them and get to know them yet again. I can't wait until this evening to see what new adventures bring me during chore time.

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