Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Adventure

This morning I did chores like normal but noticed that predawn glow. It was so soft and subtle. It really makes me appreciate getting up so early to do chores. The sky was still a dark blue with the stars shining but there was just enough light that I saw pinks, oranges, and reds. Very gorgeous. To top it off, on the way to work I saw the sun rise. Just last week the sun was barely above the horizon as I pulled in to work. Now the sun is above the horizon before I’m even there. It’s rather refreshing to drive in the light. I get to enjoy my surroundings as I head in to work.

Yesterday was supposed to be the nicest day of the week. Today is calling for warmer temps but with more wind. Always wind! I decided that I would go for a ride. I didn’t really care who, as long as I got to ride someone. I let Bob in and Rain came in right afterwards. I figured Rain would try and stay as far away as possible. But I guess those few mouthfuls of alfalfa are enough to bribe him into a ride. I don’t even have to ask him, he goes directly into the barn. Rain and Bob are best friends so it doesn’t bother me that they sometimes share a few mouthfuls of alfalfa (as long as Rain only gets one or two, otherwise I’m afraid it’ll make him sick).

So I pulled Rain out, groomed him down, and threw the English saddle on. I’m really a weiny. My western saddle is getting heavy compared to the English saddle. I caught my shadow on the hay shed and realized I’m not yet centered and balanced, so I worked on sitting up straight. It’s actually getting easier. I slouch so much everywhere. I tried trotting a couple of times but figured I’d better stick to walking and work on my balance instead.

After a bit I decided that I would put Rain back and catch Chaos. He’s so easy to catch. I pulled Chaos out, groomed him down, and threw my western saddle on him. I decided that I would be brave and try riding him outside the horse pen. I wanted to be close to Mike in case I fell off. I’m not sure Mike would know I’d fallen off if I was in the horse pen. That and it gives Chaos more exposure to everything. He’s much less responsive out in the open. I walked him around some of the stuff that Rain was eyeballing. Chaos did the same thing although instead of wanting to flee, Chaos wanted to investigate. Go figure.

I climbed on and Chaos and I simply worked on walking around in circles and having him pay more attention to me than the grass. This was the first time ever he started throwing his head around. I think that was more because I wouldn’t let him snitch any grass while we were walking. It was a bit frustrating but I was able to expose him to a new area and he never once flipped out. We only rode around in circles and serpentines in front of the barn. I didn’t want to go too much farther around the driveway since I hadn’t walked Chaos around those areas.

I doubt that I’ll try riding Chaos tonight because of the wind. It bothers me more than it bothers him. We are pretty protected so I might give it a try. Maybe I’ll try riding him in the horse pen where it’s fairly soft.

I need to start working on King. He’s starting to get flighty and I need him pretty well bombproof before the first trail ride. The first ride is the last Sunday of the month. I’m sure Rain will do just fine but I’m not sure about King. I need to call my farrier tonight. I need to get shoes on King before the first ride. I’m hoping we can use a different method for shoes this year.

Gypsy still smells like skunk but the rest of the place doesn’t smell too bad any more. The only other place that stinks is right next to my track room. The skunk sprayed over there and I think he’s taken up residence under my tack room. Booo! Go away varmints!

Keep your fingers crossed the wind isn’t too strong so I can ride Chaos and/or King tonight.

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