Friday, June 1, 2018

Summer Already

It's the first of June. How can it be summer already? Where in the world did May go?

Well, I sort of know where May went. I took a bit of a hiatus from posting on social media, blogging, that sort of thing. I think I just needed a break. I've had comments in the past about me "unplugging" from everything and how unnecessary that should be but for me, as an introvert, I need it.

We took two family vacations in May that took me away from the Sanctuary. Thanks to amazing friends and family, we were able to leave everything in good hands and not have to worry one bit. Of course, we left this last time over Memorial weekend when it was so stinking hot and Farley scared the bajeezes out of my good friend (thinking he was dead). We'll see how Farley does this summer and fall. He is 14 years old and I'm not sure he'll make another winter. Its' a day-by-day adventure with him.

The horses are currently out on the lawn enjoying grass. Hopefully we put in the last round bale of hay last week while we were on vacation and we wont' have to deal with round bales again until October.

I'm planning on hauling Junior and Lace to Madison this weekend for their "summer retreat". They'll be there for a month. Hopefully Junior picks up the weight by being on grass 24x7. With them gone, Mayhem will be by herself again. I'll probably put her out with the ponies and get those three used to grass again. But that will be after the big herd is out to pasture.

My plan is to get up early tomorrow morning and start dividing the pasture again. I don't want them to have the entire pasture because I have a feeling we'll be dealing with drought if the weather continues as it has with all the heat. As it is, my hay ground is not getting any rain so we will probably have to go with someone else again for hay. Not my preference but maybe its' best for King. Not sure it's best for the others though.

If we don't put any more hay in, we'll have 8 bales left over. Which is what we had left over from the year before. I like having a mini stock pile of hay but I'm having a hard time figuring out numbers. We lost two (Ivan and Bo) for part of the winter so I'm not sure what to put in for an order of hay this year. It might very well be get what you get and scrounge for the rest. I guess we'll keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

I'm still not looking at opening our doors yet. With all my health issues lately, I haven't been up to much. I guess that's why it took this long to get the horses used to grass. What I would have given to get them used to grass sooner. I need to go out to the pasture and dump vegetable oil into the standing water to hopefully kill mosquitoes. It's going to be bad now that all the water from the surrounding fields goes directly into my pasture...all without my approval. I'm still furious about that.

I'm hoping to be online more this month, not like last month when I didn't surface except for a few times. Thank you to everyone who as stuck around. I am sure to be more chatty this month. May was simply filled with too much other stuff going on and my brain just couldn't take it.

So thanks for putting up with my lack of posts, and lets see what good things June brings us.

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