Thursday, April 12, 2018

Nails on the Floor

My beloved old dog who has been with me for 12 years and has been with this place just 6-8 months after moving in is failing. I'm trying to do what I can but at the age of 14, there's not too much that can be done except give him pain meds.

He loves being inside. When we lost Gypsy, I let him into the house right away because the last time we lost a dog, he'd gotten depressed. I didn't want that to happen so into the house he went so I could keep an eye on him. He's always been house trained even though he's been an outside dog.

Ever since then, he's wanted to be in the house. And now that his health I failing him, I'm letting him into the house more. He deserves whatever he wants. He's protected me and kept watch over me so this is something little I can do for him.

I tried to coax him into the rest of the house this morning and it brought tears to my eyes. I forgot what a comfort it was to hear toe nails on the floor. Of course Farley's are much slower and louder but it brought memories flooding back of when we had our little min pin, Trouble, who we lost at the age of 14 as well.

I never realized how much toe nails on the floors would be such a comfort to me. Some days it just hits you hard all the ones that have gone before you.

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