Friday, June 6, 2014

Funnel Clouds

Somehow my family managed to miss the terrible storms that ripped through the area yesterday. A local man (from our town) caught a funnel cloud forming just outside of our little town of Humboldt.  Mike, Garrett, and I were all at our designated places for the day so it’s a bit of a shock to find out that there was a funnel cloud so close to the Sanctuary. Guess it’s better to not know and be oblivious to how close to destruction we really were.

During the storm, I was at work and missed the storm except for some thunder. Mike was out working on the road, and Garrett was at daycare. Luckily daycare woke all the children and took them to the basement. I think I would have freaked out more had I known that there were so many tornadoes in the area.

But we were all no worse for the wear so no worries. Even the horses seemed like they didn’t care that we were close to bad weather. I do think we missed out on the really bad weather at the Sanctuary. We will count our blessings.

Last night after all the storms, we needed to get things together and move water troughs moved around so that we can go into “Summer Mode” and get all the horses out on pasture. Mike moved the water trough to the mare pasture (near the road) and started filling the tank. I came out later and started filling the tote.

This morning I let the big herd out on the pasture like normal. Dude was more than ready to get out and enjoy the grass. Then I let the mares out onto their pasture. I’m a little worried still that they aren’t completely adjusted to grass yet but today will be a good indication. Mike walked the pasture fence in the mare pasture to make sure there’s no breaks and loose spots were Mayhem could escape. She won’t escape but she does like to investigate.

Hopefully next week I can move corral panels around and get the ponies out on a different part of the lawn that hasn’t been eaten down and mow the lawn that has been eaten. At least that way we won’t look like total hicks and the place won’t look as dumpy.

Now that we are in to summer, Rabbit’s eye is bothering her. She’s always had problems with her eyes. They weep and get crusty. But she scratched her eye a couple years ago and that eye clouds over every summer. I put a fly mask on her yesterday to try and help. She is NOT a normal fly mask type of mare. She’s got a BIG head. I need to find or buy an extra large fly mask for that girl. But I do want to try and find one that has some UV protection to help with her eye problem. always something. If someone would like to buy Rabbit her fly mask or help put  money towards a fly mask, that would be amazing!

We are going to keep plugging along and hope that the good weather is here to stay.

(not sure if this was the funnel cloud by Humboldt/Hartford or if it was one of the other four that was spotted yesterday)

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