Monday, April 22, 2013

Another Storm on the Horizon

I'm definitely ready for spring! I haven't really paid much attention to the weather lately. I had thought that we wouldn't be getting much more for bad weather after the storm last week. Wrongo.

We are back in a Winter Weather Advisory from 10am until 10pm today. Guess it's a good thing that we ran our errands yesterday afternoon instead of tonight! We are predicted to get another 3-6 inches of snow! What the heck!! If I would have known that I would have brought the hoses in last night. It's going to be like last time, where I lost the hoses under six inches of snow and it took a week to dig them back out. Teach me not to pay attention to the weather.

We did do some serious cleaning in the horse pens last night. Luckily the Bear was cooperative and enjoyed helping Mike with the cleaning. He's such a good kid, so helpful even at only eight months old!

I haven't been able to clean the horse pens like I've wanted for a very long time. In fact, when I got pregnant, all cleaning came to a screeching halt (on my part but Mike did help with cleaning). I was too sick the first three months, and even though we didn't have any snow about this time last year (I believe we were in the 70s by this point last year), I still wasnt' feel well enough to do anything but the simpilest of tasks. 

But a year of not really doing anything but bare minimum, and our place shows it. I'm pushing to get as much stuff done this year to make up for not doing anything last year.  I have a number of projects on my list that I want to tackle to try and improve the place. I'm not sure we'll get to all of them. Cost is going to play a huge factor. The money that we used to have was eaten up by hospital bills (both mine and Mike's) and the increased price of hay.

I'm hoping that this extra moisture will help the pastures. I'm afraid our pastures are doomed though even with all the moisture. We overgrazed them too far for too many years. What used to be a lush pasture is now little stubbles of grass leaves. The pictures in this blog are from 2009 when the grass was still fairly lush. We should have been fertilizing, spraying, and reseeding the pasture every year. I'm hoping that with a little bit of thought, we can overseed parts of the pasture and fertilize other portions. I'm sure we'll have to spray the pasture again but maybe if we tackle the bad spots this year, we wont' be faced with five foot thistles.

But until this next snowstorm blows through, I'll just dream of blue skies and green lush pastures.

 Chaos and Brego

 King, Chaos, Maverick, (not sure who the black horse is), and Dude
Sam (a month after we got him. He was still too thin at this point)

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