Friday, November 18, 2011


I had the holy bajeebers scared out of me this morning. I typically feed the ponies first in the mornings, then feed the older mares, and finish up with the big herd, which is exactly what I did this morning. It's dark. The moon is out and the yard light is on but it's still dark. The yard light only shines so far.

I had just finished tossing hay to the ponies, turned around, and saw something coming at me. My mind wasn't thinking fast enough and I couldn't comprehend even what would be walking towards me. It wasn't something small like a skunk, dog, raccoon, etc. It was something tall. Actually, my mind thought "who in the world is that walking towards me, there shouldn't be any person out at this time of morning."

Then my mind registers what it is that was walking towards me. Any guesses? Oh come on, you know you want to guess.

Have you guessed yet?

Still waiting....

Alright, I'll be nice....

It was.............


That's right. Our little yearling filly some how managed to get out of the fence and was coming to see what I was doing. I seriously almost fell over from shock. Of course, then I start to look around for the other three older mares. If Mayhem is out, that means the others should be out. But I looked and no one was around.

Luckily Mayhem isn't like Sahara and I can easily handle her. We walk to the barn together. More like, Mayhem followed me to the barn. Luckily she's a smart girl and didn't want to be alone any more. I opened the barn door to get Sam and the mare's evening meals started (soaking beet pulp) and Mayhem decided to join me.

I just tossed a lead rope over her and led her back to her pasture. At first I didn't see any broken boards and assumed she jumped the fence like she did one other time (darn filly). But I hadn't noticed any scraped legs or injuries so I wasn't positive she'd jumped the fence.

I had to have a disagreement with Flower about who was coming in to the pasture and who was staying in the pasture. She was ready to come out. Now that she's up to about the right weight I don't do morning grain and she's very displeased with me.

Once I got Mayhem back into the pasture, I looked around. She's just small enough to get her head in between the boards to snatch the fallen hay. I figure she must have put her head through the fence and jerked back pulling the board down. How in the world she managed to get under the other boards, I have no idea.

I propped the board back up and put another couple boards in the way. It's yet another fencing job I need to take care of tomorrow before the snow hits. I had such high hopes of wrapping up some of my fencing jobs this weekend but that doesn't look to be the case now.

So besides finding all the waterproof sheets/blankets for the oldsters, we'll have to do some additional fencing to make sure we don't have another escape episode. I swear, these mares are going to be the death of me yet!

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