Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday Ramblings

Surprisingly enough, I don't have much to ramble on about. I did finally find the camera and snapped a few pictures last night before we lost all light. It's so hard to get anything done outside now that the days are getting shorter. I don't even want to think about the time change coming soon. I'll be doing all my chores in the dark after the time change. There's about a month where I don't get to see the horses in the daylight except on the weekends.

The only bright side to the shorter days is that I can be inside earlier. Inside earlier means to bed earlier too! I tend to sleep more during the winter months. And when I say sleep more, I mean get close to my needed eight hours of sleep.

I hope once winter sets in I can start doing some of the necessary paperwork to take the sanctuary from private to non-profit. If anyone wants to help or has some good ideas, please let me know. I'm really at a loss and would be ever in someone's gratitude if they wanted to help me out. If we finally become non-profit, I could do more with pulling horses from auctions. Surprisingly pushing papers really could help save a life.

I did hear a nasty rumor that we will have a "wetter winter" or something along those lines. You know what that means? Snow, snow, and more snow. I hope the rumor isn't true and we have an easy winter. If we have another bad winter, I''m afraid of what will happen to so many horses. Of coures I like to spoil the herd here with a warm stall and a blanket. I've been keeping a close tab on fog/precipe but so far the only precipe I have marked on the calendar is for the very end of November. I hope it's a El Nino type of year so the old wives tale of 90 days from fog holds true. If it's a La Nina, we are up a creek without a paddle.

I'm still in the middle of trying to get everything ready for winter. We still have SO much to get done before the ground freezes and the first snow flies. I'm going to be working like a madwoman. If anyone wants to come out and help, just tell me when and I'll have a project ready and waiting for you. I have lots of different projects to choose from. The help is always needed and always, always appreciated.

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