The snow continues to fall and we've already accumulated six inches (I think, it's all turning into a blur any more). Luckily our neighbor came and plowed the driveway again. I do love that neighbor.
The winds are supposed to pick up tomorrow and the temps are supposed to drop. I threw blankets on a few, more to make myself feel better than anything else.
Sam is in a blanket until spring. I left it on too long over the last storm and he now doesn't have a winter coat on his withers or rump.
Rabbit is in a blanket until spring. She was too thin going into winter so I left it on and now she has no winter coat, except on her belly. She doesn't seem to mind her blanket.
Queen is in a blanket. The blanket will come off after this storm. She has a hefty winter coat but has a hard time warming up after she gets wet. She absolutely HATES her blanket (or any blanket for that matter).
Babe is in a blanket. The blanket will come off after this storm. It's not the greatest blanket but she's the only one that seems to be able to wear that blanket without much mishap (knock on wood). I'd like to get her a new blanket.
Rain is in a blanket. I haven't decided if he'll stay in it until spring or not. He was so cold the other day when the wind wasn't really blowing and it wasn't snowing all that much. I'm guessing he'll be in that blanket until spring. At least he looks really cute in it.
Zeke is in a blanket. The blanket will come off after this storm. I figured there is no sense in letting these blankets just sit inside when they could be doing some good. Zeke doesn't normally get to stand in the leanto so I'd like him to have an extra layer of protection. He gets a bit chilled so I have to keep an eye on him. The blanket should help matters.
Jim is in a blanket. The blanket will come off after this storm. I'm afraid that Jim is a hard keeper during the winter months so I want to baby him a bit. I think he's starting to acquire the taste for beet pulp. I'm going to have to try out a small scoop on him and see what he thinks. Jim ripped out the blanket that he's in. Hopefully he wont' completely destroy it before the end of the winter season.
I need to find someone who is willing to work on ratty blankets. Unfortunately I have one more blanket but it has to be repaired before I can wash it. But the repair people want clean blankets. It's a catch 22. I'm guessing I'll just have to scrap that blanket, but we'll see.
I'm still looking forward to spring. I'd be willing to take even a cloudy day over all this snow, below zero temps, and blowing wind.
The following picture is of Sam the spring after he went downhill with ulcers and a cold. He looks much better now. I almost hate showing the picture but I wanted to point out that it does take a very long time for a horse to gain back weight but it only takes a few short days/weeks for them to drop a bunch of weight.
Luckily Sam is snug in his blanket tonight to ward off the cold. I'm still overly protect of him after he got sick last year and lost so much weight. He looks a thousand times better now. I need to get a few pictures of him so you can see his current weight (and see how cute he looks in his blanket).
I liked the picture because of all the green grass. Oh how I wish for green pastures (instead of the impending snow/blowing snow storm).