Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tucked In

Everyone is tucked in for the night. As luck would have it, Mike was able to get another water tub so I could stuff yet another horse in the barn. We made a temporary stall in the barn so the ponies could get out of the wind. If I have them in the hay shed stalls it's a bit tricker for me to get them back to their pen. Skippy's gotten a bit naughty. It's his herd bound issue that I have yet to work with.


I was also able to get a blanket on Jimmy. I worry that he'll get too cold even though he can get out of the wind. I've been pretty disappointed with him so far (and it's been a month and a couple days since bringing him home). He's ready to come out of quaranteen but he's been so standoffish that I'm afraid to even put him in a bigger pen. I'll never be able to catch him. But tonight once I caught him and got a halter on, he was a perfect gentleman. He never once moved while I was fiddling with the blanket and even when I walked away he continued to stand where he was. I don't get it. He was a 4-H horse and yet he's spookier than all get out when there's no halter. Maybe it's just a confidence thing since he's only next to Longhorn and none of the other horses. Oh well, I guess it's a matter for another day.

And thanks to our neighbor, Mike doesn't have to push snow. The neighbor came over tonight and pushed snow with his plow. We would have been ok, but it's so much nicer having a nice plowed path instead of dealing with five or six inches of snow. I feel bad the neighbor keeps coming over to bail us out, but I think he also enjoys it. :-) Boys and their toys.

Rain and Sam
If we don't have work tomorrow, maybe I'll be able to get some pictures of yet another storm in the works and show the quantity of snow. I think we are up to two feet of snow. There's a huge snowdrift in the middle of the yard that comes up to my hips. Granted I'm short, but it's a HUGE drift that spans a few hundred yards. Too big for most anything to push through. Oh for summer!

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