Based on the weather advisory map above we are only in a winter weather advisory. Problem is, Borderlands is only about three miles from the next county over that IS in a blizzard watch. I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to storms. I was almost caught in a bad storm last year about this time. I don't want to do it again.
I need to make sure I'm home to take care of the herd. If no one is home, they are stuck outside without food. I'd rather be stuck at home than stuck in my car in a ditch somewhere.
So tonight it looks like I'm going to bustle on home and get the barn ready for the big herd, the two box stalls ready for Maverick and Brego, and the "night" pen ready for Tommy and Skippy.
Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes ok with Maverick. We sort of had a misunderstanding last week and now he's mad at me. I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull him out of his pen or not. Brego on the other hand is turning into a complete ham. Every morning he whinnys to me and gives me this look of "Hurry up mom! FEED ME PLEASE!" Notice there's a "please" in that sentence. There's no "please" yet with Maverick. It's "FEED ME NOW OR ELSE!"
I'm hoping the weather holds long enough for me to get home and get the barn ready. It's so much easier getting the barn ready when they horses aren't already in the stalls. The wind was already very fierce this morning when I went out to do chores. But the temps are supposed to be in the 40s. I'm guessing we'll get a lot of rain and then it'll turn into snow. Double uugh. All I can think of is wet, cold, irritated horses.
And to think, the tulips are starting to pop out AND the grass is starting to green up. Oh I'm so ready for spring.
And to top it off, I also heard in passing that there is another storm system coming in this Saturday. This Saturday happens to be the Worthing Horse Sale that I'm planning on attending. I guess we'll see how the weather turns out before I make too many plans.
Keep your fingers crossed the weather holds until later tonight after I'm home and have the horses all dry and snug in their stalls munching hay.
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