Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wishlist Wednesday

This Wishlist Wednesday, we wish for fenceposts, both wooden and t-posts. We need to divide the large pasture so that we can make it last longer now that we have 11 mouths on it rather than 10 or less. We've tried fertilizing but we've been hit with droughts and not taking care of the pastures so need to do some pasture managment until we can really figure out how to improve the land.

Once the pasture is divided, we'll also start replacing the original fenceline, as it's 80 years old and the wood fence posts are rotting off every year. We are also going to replace the barbed wire and put in much better, and definitely horse safe fencing but we would love to have some help in taking care of this huge tasks.

You can send money to Borderlands Horse Sanctuary
PO Box 35
Humboldt, SD 57035

or send through paypal at

No amount is too large or too small for a fencing project. Even five dollars buys a t-post.

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