Thursday, October 6, 2016

Taking It for Granted

I used to follow and read a girl's blog about Africa and life of an expat. It was an interesting read and I loved seeing all of her experiences. When blogging went by the wayside and Facebook became more popular, I didn't follow her as closely but I still kept track of her.

She was killed in a car accident last August and I've missed seeing her pictures on Facebook ever since. I've written about her in the past, Esther Garvi.

I looked out the window today and I thought of her. She once wrote a post about the colors of Africa. I hadn't really thought about the colors that we are given until after reading it. When I looked out the window this morning, I realized we have such an array of colors. Granted, we dont' get nearly the spectacular display of fall colors as other areas, but I won't take it for granted.

We have different colors even in winter but now that it's fall, we have such vibrant colors. There's shades of green for the grass and trees, and now there's different shades of yellow in the trees, with the corn, etc. And there's different shades of brown now that the trees are starting to lose their leaves, the beans are turning and being harvested, and getting to see the earth again once the beans and corn have been harvested.

When you really think about it, it's rather amazing. I work from home (from the paying job) everything Thursday and I have seen the seasons change, the corn grow and now turn to gold. It's fun to watch.

I wouldn't have been as appreciative had it not been for Esther. Even now, more than a year since her passing, I still think of all her wisdom she was willing to share with people. I wish more people were willing  to share their wisdom and insight to make the world a better place.

So today, as the leaves continue to change colors, and the sky changes colors with the passing clouds, I'll be thinking about how blessed I am to live where we do and to have the opportunity to see such amazing colors. I wont' take them for granted.

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