Thursday, July 14, 2016

Hotter Weather Coming

It looks like the gorgeous 70 degree weather is going to be pushed out in the next day or so. Then we are going to start seeing hotter temperatures. I worry that the hotter temps take a big toll on the horses. I know Rain is very susceptible to any change in weather. 70 degree weather is perfect for him. After that, he's standing in the run in shed off the barn to either stay warm or stay cool. That boy needs a bigger wardrobe for each season in South Dakota. I'm also worried about Skippy. He's still not completely shed out from his winter coat. I'm debating on clipping him but I've never clipped him before and dont' expect it to go well.

I'm still so far behind in everything that needs to be done. With the hotter temperatures, I'm not sure if anything will get done other than spending enough time outside to make sure that the water tanks are full of fresh, clean water and applying flyspray.

I need to find UV rated fly masks for both Rabbit and Jim. Jim's eye lids are starting to swell and Rabbit's eyes are starting to weep. Neither has the same issue. It does make life interesting to always be dealing with such a vast array of ailments. I'd like to try UV protected fly masks to see if that would help. We normally just use Farnam fly masks but with their constant eye issues in the summer, I want to try something different.

I got a report on Lace and Junior. Sounds like they haven't moved very far. They stuck fairly close to the barn and didn't lift their heads. As Mom said, they are learning that when people come around, it doesn't mean that they need to do something. Although you'd think Junior would know that by now. but I suppose I do ask him to get a halter on, move here, move there, etc. And Lace hasnt' really had much interaction. I wanted to give her enough time to let down and just relax before asking her anything so there wasnt' that much interaction. She was just so angry when she got here. But it's good that they are up in their summer pasture. I'm planning on hauling Brego up on Sunday. They will be there until the end of July and then need to pull them off so that we can use the pasture again this fall. I want to get Junior, Brego, and Lace primed for winter (fat and sassy). I'd love to take Bo up but he's too pushy and has no ground manners. If I get pushed and possibly hurt by Bo, that's one thing. If someone else gets hurt, that's another.

I'm not sure what all will get done this weekend. It's sort of hard to juggle kids, horses, and outside building maintenance. I may have to call in a favor so I can work as furiously as possible in the hour or two I have to get a project at least started. Although I have two or three projects started already .

I really do need help in getting some stuff done. Anyone want to help?

We need fencing, scraping, painting, building repairs, blankets washed, repaired, water proofed, and itemized/labeled for each horse, tack room reorganized, hay shed cleaned out, alfalfa bales unloaded, spraying, mowing, barn stalls cleaned. I'm sure there is more but that's what I came up with just off the top of my head. It's all stuff that I have to do and without help, I'm not going to be able to get it all done. Anyone want to help? Even for just a half an hour? Any chance I can bribe you with food?

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