Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why We Need to Be Here

I totally understand and agree (except with the Ropers because I haven't been around Ropers...but it works for general horse people).

This is exactly why the Sanctuary is what it is. There are too many who treat their horses as a piece of equipment and when it's broken, get rid of it. That's why I want the Sanctuary to succeed. I want a place for these old timers to go so they CAN retire.

I was told the other day that I can't save them all and it should be up to their owners to do the right thing. Well, HECK YEAH! Of course! But those same owners WON'T! So what's to do with those old horses that NEED to be retired? They need a soft place to retire. Even if it's only for a few weeks or months. These old horses have given their all, done what their owners have asked and what do they get in return? Kicked to the curb (i.e., slaughter).

Sure, when you look at the Sanctuary right now, we only have young horses (young being teenagers). But that was before I figured out the real purpose of the Sanctuary and where my heart lies.

I guess I'm glad that someone else gets just as angry as I do when they hear someone say, it's just a horse and go get a new one and get rid of the old one. Do you replace your friends and relatives when they are no longer useful to you? Why is it acceptable to replace your horse? You are responsible for them.

With that said, auction season is right around the corner. About mid August people will be culling. What can we do to help save some of these old horses from an unknown fate? I would love to open our doors to an old horse for permanent retirement, but we need your help. The Sanctuary is run solely off my paycheck (which isn't much) and with the added medical bills, it's even less. Every last penny helps, every donation no matter how large or small is greatly appreciated. Don't have money but have time? We can always use the help fixing stuff up around the place. Have too much stuff and not enough space? Donate to the Sanctuary! It's time we ALL step up and do the right thing for these old horses that deserve a permanent retirement! I'm challenging you to help!

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