Thursday, July 31, 2014

Diginity is More Important than Money

I'll be honest and admit that the paying job has slowed down enough to give me time to read some leadership books. I'm hoping that I can take a few bits of information from each book to try and better myself and the Sanctuary.

I had one bit of information that stuck and I wrote it down.

Dignity is more important than money.

True on so many levels. I am not interested in making money off of a horse, no matter his/her age. A horse is worth so much  more than just a few bucks. Their dignity and respect are priceless. I am always amazed at how people think that it's ok to dump a horse at auction just for a few bucks.

So what is the price of dignity? Some of those loose horses go for $10 to $20. Don't they deserve more dignity than that. I won't even mention those no-value horses. All horses have value. Just like each person has value. I cannot look at a person and say that they have no value. Sure, they may be misguided and need help in finding themselves, but shouldn't that be the same for a horse?

A horse's dignity is priceless. I have met horses that have such dignity that horses people simply levitate towards them. They are given dignity but what about those wall flower horses that don't seem to shine or can't shine under their current owners who aren't willing to do the work they so deserve.

These old horses that are tossed aside because they are too old, too arthritic, too slow, too thin, too much work deserve just the same amount of dignity as you and I. Do not send them to auction thinking that you'll get a few bucks out of them. Give them the dignity that they deserve. Give them the retirement that they deserve.

Most people I know work. And are working towards retirement. Why are these people being granted retirement if not everyone is granted the same opportunity. Why is it ok for a person to have the opportunity to retire but a horse can't?

It is time to give these old warriors the dignity they deserve. Give them their retirement. Do the right thing. Their dignity is worth more than a few bucks.

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