Thursday, March 7, 2013

Random Thoughts

I haven't been able to do much with the herd this week while Mike is away at training. I'm sure others can juggle caring for an infant and horses better than myself but it is what it is.

I think the neighbor's horse is going to foal soon. I put her in every night in hope that she'll foal out during the night or wee hours of the morning. So far, nothing. But the past two mornings she's balked at going out to her pen for the day. So I have a feeling her time is very near. She's already gone past her due date that the vet gave her. I'm anxious to meet the new foal. I'm figuring that the mare will foal sometime within this week or next simply because I have so much to do and can't stay home to "supervise". I pretty much have something going on every evening starting tonight until after the horse fair and then I'll be swamped with final preparations for the fundraiser the following weekend.  Nothing like doing everything all at the same time.

There's already talk of drought and we aren't even to the growing season yet. I'm worried too. I haven't paid for all of this year's hay yet and I would love to not use it all up. Every last penny and every last sliver of hay counts these days.

I was surfing the web the other day and came upon a free horse. I felt bad because she met all of our criteria for coming in to the sanctuary. Unfortunately we are full unless we can get a few horses sponsored. But what made me really mad was that the ad mentioned that they needed to cut down on their numbers but if someone wouldn't take her, that they would breed her. She's a 23 year old mare who's been popping out babies all her life. This same owner had other broodmares for sale and mentioned also that they wanted to cut down on their numbers but if she didn't sell, they would breed her. How do you cut down on numbers when you breed? It just boggles my mind. I would love for someone to explain that theory to me.

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