Friday, May 20, 2011


The weatherman predicted rain for this weekend. I scurried all week to get things wrapped up outside. But after all that running and then the paying job slamming me with a high priority this week, I petered out Thursday night. The horses were grumpy at me for not letting them out on the lawn to munch on grass. Poor guys.

I'm afraid Sam is not cured. He still has his ulcers. With everything going on, his "maintenance" treatment got pushed. I'll be starting him back on his treatment schedule. He's such a good boy to take his medicine. Even after 30 days of treating, I'm guessing that we'll always have to give Sam some type of ulcer medicine. I keep seeing dollar signs whenever I close my eyes. Seems everything is starting to add up these days. I'm guessing it's the rain that's making my mood a bit down. But I am worried about Sam. He's been doing so well and he kept his weight up all winter and through his ulcers.

On the bright side, I thank my lucky stars every morning. We woke to rain (the weather man said we received over a half inch of rain so far). I dreaded going out in a downpour to feed the horses. Of course, there's nothing that says love more than banging on a metal gate to get Babe's attention that food is coming and have lightening flash through the sky overhead. It's a bit un-nerving.

Poor Bo. We've had other rains that were just fine but there must be a little bit of a nip in the rain drops this morning. Poor guy was shivering. So into the hay barn he went to get a bit of grain mash while I tried to dry him off before throwing a waterproof blanket on him. By the time he was done eating his grain and had the blanket securely on him, he'd stopped shivering and went straight for his pile of hay. I felt like a terrible horse mom. Bo isn't up to snuff yet on weight and here I make him stand out in the rain without any clothing to protect him from the elements.

But let me say this one thing, Bo is amazing. Not once did he hesistate while I muddle around readjusting his blanket, pulling it on and off while he ate. Some of the herd would throw a hissy fit and move around trying to avoid my attempts at helping. Not Bo. I really do think Bo needs to be in a showring. I'm hoping to show him next year once he's had a year to recover from his ordeal.

I know that some don't agree and some don't like my snails pace at how I do things. But I like to move slow around the horses. I dont' want to push. I want them to spend some time just being what they are, a horse. They are my kids and my babies but they are also horses and need time to come down from their ordeal. Horses are just the same as you and me when it comes to new situations. I bet if we were to put you into a new situation, new surroundings, new experiences, by the end of the day, all you want to do is go home and sleep. But wait, you have a different home. So all you can do is sleep and spend a few days coming down from a new experience. I like to do the same with the horses.

I am the main care taker and provider for the horses. I want the horses to get used to me and my habits. I want them to come around to trusting me. Some trust much faster than others (I'm thinking Bo vs Sahara). Sometimes I think I'm an old person in a relatively young person's body. I don't like change and when there is, I need time to adjust. I guess I put that thinking on to the horses and want to give them time to ajust to their new situation and to give them time to realize that life IS better now that they are safe.

Sorry, rambling.

On the bright side, the rainy weather will let me catch up on housework so that I can spend quality time with the horses when it's nice out, whenever that will be. Enjoy your rainy weekend and I'll try to sneak some pictures between the raindrops.

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