Friday, July 19, 2019

Staying in Bed

I am amazed and somewhat astounded by my ability to jump out of bed when there's a storm coming in the morning. I can get so much more done knowing there's a storm on the way (get chores done, get on the road to the paying job, etc.) all before a storm hits the Sanctuary.

But with no storm on the horizon, I can't seem to haul myself out of bed in the morning. Of course we've been running like crazy for the past three months so very near exhaustion state at the moment. Usually I start to lose my cool in August and hit peek exhaustion some time in August but I seem to be doing that in July. But I digress.

So this morning as I'm hitting snooze for the third time, I smell a smell. The windows have to be open upstairs because the air conditioner can't keep up. Even with the fans going and the AC on, it's still in the upper 80s in the rooms upstairs. So the window was open in hopes of cooling it off. But what should accost my sense of smell? The smell of skunk.

So apparently the smell of skunk makes me not want to get out of bed and get up to do chores. I figured I'd let that old skunk wander away so we wouldn't meet and make the place stink. On Wednesday night I watched a mama racoon and her FIVE babies. Luckily they were running down the driveway but they were here, so that means they are probably living here. I hate having varmints on the place. I know some people will disagree with me about "removing" them from our place. I am not one to trap and release. Because when you trap and release, you're releasing them near someone else who has to deal with them and all their damage they cause. I've had racoons damage the hay barn multiple times, to the point they've eaten a hole in the side to get into the loft of the barn. We may set traps but we'll see. We do NOT need to have six racoons on the place.

Tomorrow is cleanup day. I'm not sure we have everything we need to tackle any one project but we'll see how things go. I'd love to work on the garage but I'm sure there are too many preparation steps that we don't have done yet to even consider tackling it. Mike said something about working on a vehicle and our lawn mower died so I'm sure those will take priority over getting the roof done on the garage even though it now leaks in two spots that I'm very aware of (and I'm sure that it leaks in other places). I need to take some time off but don't  have any vacation time built up because of the furlough. So now I need to juggle even more on my plate to keep the place from falling down around our ears.

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