Monday, March 5, 2018

One Week

It was one week ago today that we said goodbye to Bo. The skies were blue and temps were warming up and it was a decent day for the end of February.

Today, we are in near blizzard like conditions. I'm glad I stayed home but wishing that everyone in the family were home. I was smart enough last night to put blankets on everyone that had blankets. I started to doubt myself because the temps were in the 40s but the wind was from the south east which bites. I'm glad that I went ahead and put blankets on.

At midnight, we had thunder. I'm not sure about the rain but there was definite thunder. At 5:30 when I rolled out of bed, I was extremely happy to have put blankets on everyone. When I managed to get out at 6am to do chores, it was a downpour. I didn't see anyone so I'm guessing they were standing in the sheds or somewhere out of the wind.

All morning long, I've been watching the weather. It would rain and then sleet. At one point I couldn't tell if it was sleet or hail. But about an hour ago it switched over to snow and now we are in near whiteout conditions. I'm thinking I'll head out soon to put Junior, Mayhem, and Lace in their stalls for the day. I am sure they won't mind being stuck in their stalls for a little extra time.

Weather like this makes me panic. I'm not exactly sure why. I guess it's the farmer genes in me. I always seem to find myself out in the worst of it. But it's usually to make sure that everyone is comfortable during bad weather.

..short pause...

ok, I'm headed out. I can't handle the thought of the horses being out in this and I want to check on them. Always the worrier I guess but the horses aren't just horses. They are family and I was taught at an early age to always take care of your family.

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