Sunday, June 8, 2014

First Breath

I know it's not exactly Sanctuary related but I need and want to post. Today marks the one year anniversary of my son going to the hospital after being sick for 36 hours and showing no signs of improvement. While at the ER, they suggested that we go to the hospital. Thank God we did. The doctors discovered he had meningitis.

Now, one year later, the only thing my little boy is suffering from is an itty bitty sunburn and his molars coming in. Instead of laying listlessly on the bed with IVs and antibiotics pumping in to him, he's curled up in his crib after spending the day with his cousins and grandparents running around outside at Lake Thompson Recreation Area.

I think my entire little family must have more than one life. I can say that I've already used up three of my lives, Garrett has used up two, and for sure Mike has used up at least two if not three. It makes me think about how blessed I am.

Tonight as I sit with my feet up after an exhausting but fun weekend hanging with family, enjoying good quality family time, I can barely keep the tears of relief from spilling over. It wont' be until June 15th when the doctors released Garrett (one year ago) will I be able to begin the healing processing. And in actuality, it wont' be until the hospital bills are paid off that I can be truly free of that nightmare and begin to heal. I know it may sound weird but that's just my way of thinking I guess. One year ago was the worst day of my life.

So tonight, I will thank God that he blessed me with the strongest person I know, my little boy and that he didnt' want to take him "home" just yet. I need many more years with my little boy, many more laughs and smiles and hugs.  So today, I will begin to breath. I have held my breath for the past year, scared that something terrible would happen again. So today, I take my first breath.

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