Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Late Night Doing Chores

Sounds like we may have a busy day at Borderlands on Friday. I'll keep you all in suspense on what's going on until Friday rolls around. It'll just keep you coming back. ;-)

Last night I was late in getting chores done (was off playing with our drill team). When I started doing chores (in the dark), there was lightening all around us. I worked as quickly as I could but it still took over an hour. I was gathering up the loose hay from the round bale feeder (no sense in letting that good hay go to waste). Ivan and Brego were up at the barn while Sam and Bo were in the barn finishing their evening meal.

All of a sudden I heard thundering hooves coming. I love listening and watching the horses. Luckily the white horses were in the front and King's heaving breathing (because he's so out of shape) gave them away for who was coming in first. While I was standing their leaning on the bale feeder admiring the horses, a bolt of ligthening lit of the sky and I heard this funny noise. That noise is exactly why the horses came galloping up out of the field. Wanna know what that sound was?

You guessed it....rain. It's weird to hear the rain come before it hits. Unfortunately I wasn't completely done with chores and had to scramble. Luckily it wasn't a drenching downpour like it sounded and I didn't get too wet. The experience would have been more enjoyable had I been done with chores but it still made for a few brief minutes of amazement, watching the horses gallop in to the pen and watching mother nature at work. Looking back (now that I'm dry), I realize I'm pretty blessed.

Check back Friday to see what all the commotion is about.

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