Monday, November 16, 2009

The Final Decision

Last Friday I made "the call". I have been a total mess ever since. I gave myself a full week to enjoy Bob and his quirks before I have to say goodbye. I may not have many posts to add this week. I've become a complete blob and can't really think. I cried non stop Friday after calling and spontaneously start crying any time I think about what's coming since then. I have a permanent lump in my throat. Please excuse my absence if I don't add any posts or if they are rather downtrodden. My heart is breaking.

I'm not sure who all actually reads this but if you do, please do me one huge favor. Go hug your horse. Hug them, love them, pet them, cherish them because someday you'll have to say goodbye. Don't let one day pass without giving your horse a hug. Even if they make you SO mad, go hug them anyway.


  1. I've gotten so far behind on reading my favorite blogs, of which yours is one. I just read your heartbreaking entry here. I'm so sorry you have had to let Bob go. Having to make that decision about any pet is just horrid, though sometimes necessary. I hope over these past couple of weeks, you have healed a little. = )

  2. Thanks! It's always so hard to let one go. Bob makes #6 to watch cross over (5 horses and 1 dog) in the past three years. I'm not sure what's hardest; my loss or watching the rest of the herd and knowing they are just as sad for the loss of one of their herd mates.

    But I would rather I go through my loss this way knowing that I did all that I could and hopefully having them know that they were loved.

    Thanks again for the well wishes. I'm happy to know someone actually reads my ramblings. :-)


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