Thursday, July 2, 2009

More Fencing

Last night after all the ruckus I decided that I would work with Maverick. I decided to switch his bridle/bit with Chaos's bridle/bit. It's the same one I started Rain out on and it seemed to work. So I switched and Maverick seemed to respond way better. He didn't chew on the bit near as much. But I think that's because I had the bit hanging down too far because the bridle didn't fit him.

I'll just have to remember to switch back and forth between Maverick and Chaos. I need to do a thorough cleaning of all the bridles and saddles. It's been so humid and I haven't been keeping the saddles in the tack room because of mice. So now everything is starting to grow mold. Makes me mad. But I guess I have an entire weekend to clean tack.

I putzed around on Maverick for awhile. I think I need some guidance on how to make him walk faster. The trainer taught him to constantly move when you bump him with your legs. But when I start to do that he slows down. If I leave him alone (aka. don't bump his sides with my legs and don't ask him to go in a particular direction) we go pretty well. So I am not sure if he's playing me or what. I'm guesisng I'm giving him incorrect cues. I need to do some major research on Clinton Anderson techniques.

While I was working with Maverick, Mike was down at the bottom of the hill pulling up the old barbed wire. I'm so excited. He was able to pull up two strands of barbed wire all the way across. I need to check to make sure there aren't any broken pieces laying out there but for the most part, Mike got the big portions taken out. So that leaves one more strand and the fence posts. We should be able to tackle that fence line without much problems.

We still need to cut down some tree branches. Mike called the neighbor who owns the land surrounding our place and he chatted about being able to get on his property to put fence posts in and to cut back branches so the farmer can plant a bit closer to the actual fence line. He's having to plant about three or four feet away from the actual fence line so he's losing precious farm land. I'm hoping some day he'll sell us a portion of the land surrounding our place so I can have some hay ground.

Nothing much else exciting going on last night after seeing Sunny off to her new pasture. I'm a bit apprehensive about where she's going but I guess I have to let some go and I only knew her for about five days. It's not like she was a part of the herd/family. Still makes me a bit nervous. Surprised and a bit shocked that the guy would want to buy Tommy. But I can't stand the thought of letting Tommy go. And if Tommy goes, Skippy has to follow and I know the gentleman didn't want two ponies. I think I'll enjoy my ponies and keep them.

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