Tiny Dictator

Tiny Dictator was not a rescue. He was in fact my very first horse and my dream horse (who happened to be a registered quarter horse). He was tall, dark, and handsome. He came from Colorado and had been a ranch horse for the first part of his life. We grew up together. As I grew up, he grew older. He was a patient gelding that would let me do anything. He was the perfect horse for a teenage girl. Dictator helped me accomplish items on my bucket list. We rode together until we were both 25 years old when I decided that he should be permanently retired and enjoy the last few years without having to work. He was the herd boss and everyone followed him. Dictator was also the catalyst for changing our mission from rescue to retirement.  After his passing, I realized that I wanted to offer old horses a place to retire. I wasn’t with Dictator when he passed away February 25, 2007 (one regret), so I vowed that I would always be with each horse until their last breath. Dictator gave so much and taught me so much (and never asked for anything in return). The Sanctuary is in his honor, and to honor all those horses that deserve a permanent retirement home. We said goodbye in February 2007. Tiny Dictator was 28 years old.
Patiently waiting to go for a ride

Enjoying green grass

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